Video Learning and Development Platform: Use Cases and Benefits

Organizational learning is critical for business growth, but it can seem boring! Use a learning and development video platform to ensure it is not.

To boost productivity and produce a favorable ROI, spending on internal departments within companies has greatly increased over the past few years. Learning and Development (L&D) departments are no strangers to this increase in budgets. In an era of burgeoning digital transformation, it has become difficult to justify L&D efforts, but you can convince the decision-makers in your organization that one of the best ways to boost productivity and produce a favorable ROI is through video streaming for training.

To utilize this method of L&D content delivery, you need a comprehensive and secure solution in video content management in the form of an Enterprise Video Content Management System (EVCM). According to Gartner, an EVCM is a comprehensive technology that lets organizations store, host and disseminate video content in a wide range of formats, over a variety of delivery methods. 

VIDIZMO, an end-to-end enterprise video content management system, provides efficient capabilities linked to organizational learning and development. 


Video Training Use Cases

Here are some use cases for videos in organizational learning and development:

Sales and Marketing Training

The days of tedious sales and marketing training programs are now, thankfully, over. With an EVCM, you can use video streaming for training to rapidly ramp up sales and marketing teams. An effective EVCMS will also let you seamlessly integrate with Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx online so you can record your meetings and publish them on your video portal as training. Also, it can allow for full integration with your existing LMS or other line-of-business applications, eliminating the need for reinventing the training wheel.

Another usage for sales and marketing training is that new product knowledge and training can be delivered to sales staff on the go or to those who are constantly working remotely in the field. It eliminates the need for dedicated resources for training and instead allows for more efficient and effective learning for sales staff anywhere, anytime from any device. Plus, using videos, companies can recycle their learning content instead of conducting the same training sessions over and over again.

Employee Onboarding

Quality onboarding is critical for employee retention. For that purpose, it is crucial to plan it well and make it engaging. What better way to do that than through video. Video provides an interactive learning experience by combining visuals and audio in a simplified way. It also ensures that a consistent experience with complete information is provided to all new employees.

Knowledge Sharing Sessions

It is critical to have a growth-oriented culture in your organization. For that purpose, all employees should be encouraged to continuously learn and progress. Conducting organization-wide knowledge-sharing sessions is a perfect way to promote this culture. However, in organizations with dispersed employees residing globally or with remote employees, some employees might be left out. The perfect way of breaching this barrier is through the use of video. These recorded sessions should be uploaded on your organization's internal video portal accessible to all your authenticated employees. VIDIZMO's end-to-end enterprise video platform easily allows you to do that in a secure environment with an optimized playback experience. You can even live stream these sessions to provide a real-time experience.


Benefits of a Video Training Solution

Let us explore some benefits of a video learning platform such as VIDIZMO:

Reduce Support Cost

With video streaming for training and Q&A sessions with instructors, you can make information available to your trainees on demand. They can access it anywhere and on any device, reducing assistance and support costs as trainees can simply search what sort of help they need and watch a video stream that provides them with that information.

Measure Effectiveness of Content and Optimize Based on Data


VIDIZMO also offers comprehensive Advanced Analytics features that let you extract actionable data from your L&D efforts and track individual progress. Companies can target issues and resolve them effectively by pinpointing the problem using these data analytics. Furthermore, they can compare user reports to determine the position of each trainee in L&D programs and measure their performance.

Use your preferred technology


VIDIZMO integrates with many line-of-business applications and online meeting tools such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx etc., which means you can record all your meetings and make them easily available on your VIDIZMO portal. Redundant training will not have to be conducted over and over again, saving you heaps of time and organizational costs. Next time you're having a meeting regarding standard operating procedures, you can simply hit record, and that same meeting will be available for on-demand viewing or listening before you can say "Training!"

Deliver Learning and Training Anywhere, Anytime!

Recording and delivering L&D content can be a pain. Traditional methods such as DVDs incur heavy costs and inefficiency. With an effective EVCM, video streaming for training via secure and efficient, internal and external, content delivery methods has never been easier. Minimal on-premise hardware or software ensures that your IT team doesn’t need to do a lot of work, while recorded training sessions are available for on-demand viewing on your VIDIZMO channel. Also, you can make this content available for viewing through your existing LMS straight away on any device of viewer's choice!

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Posted by Sabika Tasneem & Azfar Saleem

This article is written jointly by Sabika Tasneem (Associate Product Marketing Manager) and Azfar Saleem (Technology Content Strategist).

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