Revolutionizing Corporate Communication with Enterprise Video Platform

Discover how enterprise video platform can revolutionize corporate communication, boost engagement, and streamline messaging across your organization.

Let’s be real. Your emails aren’t getting the traction they used to, and those town hall meetings? The attendance numbers aren’t exactly stellar. And, no, it’s not just you—corporate communication has fundamentally changed. With one in five workers working remotely, the workforce is more dispersed than ever, attention spans are shrinking, and keeping employees engaged has become an uphill battle. This isn’t just a headache for HR or comms teams; it’s a problem that impacts productivity, company culture, and even the bottom line.

So, what’s the solution? Video. 

Let’s walk through how the right video platform can help, why it’s a must-have, and how to set one up for maximum impact.

Ineffective Corporate Communication is Hurting Your Business

Ineffective corporate communication isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a silent productivity killer.

Here’s what it looks like:

  • Inconsistent Messaging: Corporate communication often feels like a game of telephone. By the time a message reaches all corners of the company, it’s diluted, misinterpreted, or worse—completely ignored.
  • Employee Disengagement: Emails, static PDFs, and lengthy presentations aren’t cutting it anymore. Employees are checking out mentally, and that’s costing you in terms of engagement, collaboration, and performance.
  • Fragmented Communication Channels: From emails and slack to in-person meetings and company intranets, communication is all over the place. There's no unified hub where information is centralized and easy to access. 86% of employees feel the lack of effective communication as the main cause of workplace failures.
  • Lack of Measurement: How do you know if your communication strategies are working? Without data, you’re left guessing whether your employees are even paying attention.

The Ripple Effect of Poor Communication

Let’s take a minute to think about what happens when corporate communication falls flat:

  • Misalignment Across Teams: When communication breaks down, so does teamwork. Misaligned priorities and a lack of understanding between departments lead to duplicated efforts and missed deadlines.
  • Employee Frustration: People don’t want to sift through emails or sit through yet another meeting to get the information they need. Frustrated employees quickly become disengaged, and disengaged employees don’t perform at their best.
  • Higher Turnover: According to a Gallup report, highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability, while disengaged teams cost companies up to $550 billion a year. Poor communication is a direct contributor to disengagement, and that’s something you can’t afford.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: scaling your communication.

As companies grow, the gap between management and employees widens. What started as a small miscommunication snowball into strategic misalignment. You need a tool that can scale with your organization—a tool that ensures everyone is on the same page, no matter where they are in the world. This is where an enterprise video platform steps in.

Setting up an Enterprise Video Platform

An enterprise video platform isn’t just about storing videos. It’s about creating a centralized hub for seamless communication—one that’s engaging, secure, and scalable.

Here’s how to set it up for success.

Choose the Right Platform with Scalability and Security in Mind

Your first step is to select a platform that meets the security, compliance, and scalability needs of your organization. An enterprise video platform offers features like:

  • End-to-End Encryption: Ensure your communication is secure, protecting sensitive internal information though encryption.
  • SSO (Single Sign-On): Simplify access for employees while maintaining security protocols.
  • Scalability: Whether you're communicating with a small team or a global workforce, the platform needs to grow with you. Ensure the platform can handle increased bandwidth as more employees come on board.

Centralize Your Communication Hub

One of the biggest pain points for any organization is managing fragmented communication channels. You’ve got Slack messages over here, email threads over there, and intranet posts no one reads. Consolidating all these streams into one video-first platform changes the game.

  • Video-on-Demand (VOD): Give employees instant access to important messages, training videos, and company updates, all in one place with flexible on-demand video streaming. 
  • Live Streaming: Host virtual town halls or major announcements through live streaming in real-time, so everyone stays in the loop, no matter their location.

When all your communication lives in one place, employees know where to go to get the information they need.

Engage Employees with Interactive Video Features

The truth is that employees don’t want to passively consume information. They want to interact, ask questions, and contribute.

An enterprise video platform allows you to:

  • Incorporate Quizzes and Surveys: Make sure employees aren’t just watching—they’re absorbing information. Add quizzes or surveys within your videos to measure comprehension and gather feedback.
  • Chaptering and Interactive Hotspots: Break down complex information into manageable sections with chapters or frame-by-frame analysis, so employees can jump to the content that’s most relevant to them.

When employees feel engaged, they’re more likely to retain information and stay invested in the company’s goals.

Streamline Corporate Training and Onboarding

If you’re still using traditional methods like static PDFs or outdated PowerPoint presentations for training, you’re doing it wrong. Video is an immersive, engaging way to train and onboard new employees.

  • Onboarding with Video: Use pre-recorded onboarding videos to welcome new hires and get them up to speed faster.
  • Training Modules: With an enterprise video platform, you can create video-based training modules that employees can revisit anytime, anywhere. Combine this with AI-driven analytics to measure how effective each training session is.

Training isn’t a one-time event—it’s ongoing. With a video platform, you can ensure employees are continuously learning and improving.

Leverage AI for Video Analytics and Optimization

What’s the use of all this video content if you can’t measure its impact? AI-powered video analytics give you deep insights into how your communication is being received.

  • Viewership Heatmaps: See which parts of your video employees are watching the most using heatmaps, and which sections are being skipped.
  • Engagement Metrics: Track completion rates, comments, and interactions to see what’s working and what needs improvement.

Armed with these insights, you can continuously improve your corporate communication strategy, ensuring your messages are landing the way you intend.

Measure Success and Iterate

Finally, remember that your communication strategy should be a living, breathing entity. Use the data and insights gathered from your platform to continuously improve. Measure success by looking at:

  • Engagement Metrics: How many employees are watching your videos? How engaged are they? By using engagement metrics, managers can learn the effectiveness of their communication content. 
  • Feedback: Are employees finding the content valuable? What would they like to see more of? Based on the KPIs set, managers can alter the content to accommodate for the needs of the employees. 

By continually iterating, you ensure your corporate communication strategy evolves with your company.

Don’t Let Communication Be Your Weakest Link

Effective communication is the glue that holds your company together. It’s the difference between a cohesive, engaged workforce and one that’s disconnected and disengaged. Setting up an enterprise video platform is the smartest move you can make to ensure your communication is scalable, secure, and—most importantly—engaging. With this you can ensure up to 30% increase in productivity. 

Don’t wait until communication breakdowns start costing you productivity and talent. Get ahead of the game with a platform that not only meets your current needs but scales with you.

People Also Ask

What is an enterprise video platform?

An enterprise video platform is a comprehensive tool designed to manage, host, and deliver video content for corporate use. It supports both live and on-demand video communication and integrates seamlessly with existing systems.

How does video improve corporate communication?

Video provides a more engaging, clear, and consistent way to communicate complex information. It allows for better understanding, helps retain attention, and is accessible across devices, making it easier for dispersed teams to stay connected.

Can an enterprise video platform be used for training?

Yes, enterprise video platforms are particularly effective for training and onboarding, offering interactive features like quizzes, chapters, and engagement tracking to ensure employees are learning and retaining information.

How do I measure the success of my video communication strategy?

You can use analytics provided by your video platform, such as engagement metrics, viewership heatmaps, and completion rates, to measure the success of your video communication efforts and optimize them over time.

What role does AI play in an enterprise video platform?

AI powers video analytics, helping you track viewer engagement, completion rates, and other key metrics. It also aids in automating tasks like transcription, content discovery, and even personalized content recommendations.

Posted by Malaika Batool

As a Product Marketing Executive at VIDIZMO, I craft content that simplifies complex tech solutions, focusing on data privacy and compliances. My goal is to help businesses understand and leverage cutting-edge redaction tools to enhance their redaction processes.

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