10 Ways to Enhance Your Company's Internal Communications with Video

Discover 10 impactful ways to use video for internal communications to boost engagement, foster connection, and keep your employees informed and aligned.

In today’s hybrid and remote work landscape, businesses face a massive challenge: keeping employees connected and aligned. Employees feel disengaged, uninformed, and disconnected, causing a decline in productivity, job satisfaction, and, ultimately, retention. Research shows that organizations with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable than those with low engagement, and effective internal communication is one of the top drivers of employee engagement. Communication is the lifeline of any organization, but traditional emails, newsletters, and slide decks aren’t bridging the gap effectively.

Imagine a tool that could humanize communication, foster alignment, and boost engagement all at once—a tool that makes your messages resonate. Enter video for internal communications. With video, you’re not just delivering information; you’re building connection and trust in ways that words on a page simply cannot.

Here are 10 powerful ways to use video to revamp your internal communications and keep employees engaged and aligned.

Onboarding Videos: Make New Hires Feel Welcome

Traditional onboarding processes are often overwhelming and impersonal, making new hires feel lost and disconnected from day one. Without a personal touch, the early days of employment can feel like a mountain of forms and policies.

Onboarding videos streamline the process by welcoming new hires in a personal, engaging way. Pre-recorded videos can introduce team members, company values, workflows, and processes in digestible chunks. This approach saves time, ensures consistency, and gives employees the flexibility to review information at their own pace.

Leadership Messages: Connect Executives with the Team

Employees feel detached from executives, leading to a disconnect in understanding the company’s direction and values. Without a direct connection to leadership, teams often feel out of touch with the bigger picture.

Video enables executives to communicate directly and authentically with their teams. A quick video update from the CEO or leadership team feels genuine and impactful, building trust and helping employees connect with the company’s mission. Video allows employees to see and hear the conviction in their leaders’ voices, creating a stronger sense of alignment.

Training and Development Videos: Engage and Educate

Traditional training sessions are often long, forgettable, and ineffective, resulting in low knowledge retention and lackluster application of skills on the job.

Create modular training content with video broken into manageable segments that employees can digest at their own pace. With video, you can add demonstrations, role-playing, and visual aids to make training more engaging and memorable. Plus, training videos are scalable, reusable, and easy to access, helping employees revisit lessons as needed.

Employee Spotlights: Build Connections Across Teams

Cross-departmental teams often lack visibility into each other’s roles, leading to a fragmented work culture where people feel disconnected and uninformed about others’ contributions.

Employee spotlight videos allow colleagues to get to know each other, even if they’re spread across regions. By highlighting individuals from various departments, you foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging. These spotlights offer employees the chance to share their roles, projects, and a glimpse into their workday, building unity across the organization.

Company-Wide Updates: Ensure Everyone’s in the Loop

Company-wide emails often go unread or get buried, with important updates lost in the shuffle, leaving employees uninformed and out of sync with company priorities.

Video updates cut through the noise, delivering company news, project milestones, and quarterly updates in a format that’s harder to ignore. Video is more engaging, memorable, and adds a personal touch. Interactive features or subtitles ensure accessibility for everyone, regardless of language or location, so no team member misses critical information.

Internal Webinars and Live Q&A: Encourage Real-Time Interaction

Email threads and text-based announcements lack the immediacy of conversation, leading to misunderstandings and low engagement as employees miss out on real-time clarification and interaction.

Host internal webinars or live Q&A sessions to address major announcements, company-wide changes, or quarterly plans. These real-time sessions allow employees to ask questions and clarify doubts immediately, promoting a culture of transparency and inclusivity. Platforms like VIDIZMO also allow these sessions to be recorded and archived, ensuring accessibility for future reference.

Team Project Updates: Keep Collaboration Strong

Collaboration falters when team members don’t have a clear understanding of each other’s work, leading to duplicated efforts, wasted time, and poor project outcomes.

Use video updates to keep teams informed about project progress, challenges, and goals. Encourage team members to record quick updates, making it easier for everyone to visualize the project’s trajectory and their role in it. This approach fosters teamwork and keeps everyone aligned without long, tedious status meetings.

Compliance Training Videos: Make Compliance Stick

Compliance training is often seen as dull and unengaging, leading to poor retention and an increased risk of non-compliance, which exposes the company to costly legal risks.

Video can make compliance training more engaging and effective. By incorporating real-life scenarios, animations, and quizzes, compliance training becomes interactive and memorable. With VIDIZMO’s analytics, you can track employee progress and engagement, ensuring that compliance standards are understood and upheld.

Celebratory Videos: Foster a Culture of Recognition

Employees frequently feel underappreciated, impacting their motivation and commitment to the company. Without regular recognition, hard work often goes unnoticed, decreasing job satisfaction.

Use celebratory videos to recognize team achievements, milestones, and company-wide successes. Highlighting anniversaries, project completions, or team wins through video lets the entire company celebrate together, reinforcing a positive, appreciative culture and boosting morale.

Feedback Collection: Make Employees Feel Heard

Feedback collection through emails or surveys often results in low response rates, depriving leadership of valuable insights and preventing employees from sharing their thoughts.

Use video to request feedback in a more engaging way, encouraging employees to openly share their insights. Video-based surveys or feedback requests allow employees to respond on their own time, and platforms like VIDIZMO let you embed forms within videos for easy, seamless participation. This process shows employees that their opinions are valued, improving engagement and response rates.


How to Get Started with Internal Communication Videos

  1. Identify Your Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with video, whether it’s better engagement, streamlined training, or improved transparency.
  2. Choose the Right Tools: Select a secure video platform that offers video hosting, live streaming, and analytics to support your internal communication needs.
  3. Start Small and Scale: Begin with a few key use cases, such as leadership messages or training videos, and expand based on results.
  4. Encourage Participation: Invite teams to contribute by creating their own videos for project updates, employee spotlights, or celebratory milestones.
  5. Measure Engagement: Track metrics to understand what’s working and adjust your approach as needed.

People Also Ask

Why should companies use video for internal communication?

Video humanizes communication, increases engagement, and enhances information retention, making it a powerful tool for keeping employees aligned and connected.

How can video enhance employee engagement?

Video is more personal and interactive, capturing attention, promoting transparency, and helping build a unified culture across teams.

What are the best types of internal communication videos?

Effective types include onboarding videos, leadership updates, training content, and team project updates.

How can we ensure employees watch and engage with the videos?

Select a platform with engagement tracking features and create concise, visually appealing, relevant content for employees.

What tools are recommended for video communication?

Enterprise platforms like VIDIZMO provide secure video hosting, live streaming, analytics, and interactive features ideal for internal communication.

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