10 Ways to Harness Video Streaming in Healthcare

VIDIZMO provides a centralized secure YouTube alike video streaming platform to upload and stream live or on-demand videos for healthcare use cases.

The healthcare industry stands to benefit from the digital connections and innovation offered by contemporary technologies such as video streaming. As an industry that has undergone numerous technological advancements, video streaming in healthcare is full of possibilities to transform the communication between caregivers and patients while modernizing knowledge sharing and collaboration.

In this blog, we go over 10 ways in which healthcare organizations can benefit from video streaming. We also discuss how these organizations can make use of VIDIZMO video platform to manage and share their videos, while remaining compliant with HIPAA.

10 Ways to Use Video Streaming and Healthcare

10 Ways to Harness Video Streaming in Healthcare Infographic

  1. Staff training to Improve Quality: Healthcare professionals need continuous training to keep up with evolving research and advancements in medicinal knowledge, treatments, and best practices. Video-based training is an excellent medium for interactive learning that supports varying learning styles and provides easy accessibility for self-paced learning from any device or location.
    Furthermore, if videos are made available in an on-demand YouTube-like library, then viewers can access them at their own pace. This way healthcare institutions can facilitate several activities to their entire staff like continuing education, medical equipment demos, best practice education, etc.
  2. Mass communication of new Regulations and Policies: By live streaming video, healthcare institutions can frequently communicate policy changes and mandates in a timely manner.
    Videos make such policy change announcements accessible alongside any supporting documentation to local staff as well as those located off-site or in remote regions. 
  3. Aftercare or wellness videos for patients: Care teams can administer aftercare services and wellness programs remotely to disseminate instructions and knowledge to patients through an online video portal. This relieves the patient from unnecessary hospital visits and helps healthcare institutions optimize their resources better. Videos can be assigned to patients by providing them external stakeholder access to the healthcare portal for recovery and aftercare, preventative care and ambulatory care for high-risk conditions.
  4. Live-Stream surgical procedures: Some surgeries are now required to be broadcasted to a wider staff and students located remotely. Live streaming can deliver high-quality video from the OR to various users and devices, including those in bandwidth-challenged networks. Additionally, all live videos can be recorded for later viewing.
  5. Live broadcast public and private events: Those who cannot physically attend conferences or other events can participate via live video broadcasts in real-time on their desktops, smartphones, and tablets. For example, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) uses live streaming to broadcast seminars, summits, advisory council meetings, and other events that involve material discussions such as new research findings or listening sessions on strategies for improving medical treatments, etc.
  6. Interactive health webinars: Doctors can live stream interactive webinars to discuss specific diseases and treatments with patients and answer viewer’s questions in real-time via live chat. Despite the remoteness, such engagements create an immediate and natural connection between the doctors and patients while facilitating engagement for people with reduced mobility such as the elderly, disabled, or ill.
  7. Emergency protocol training videos: Healthcare institutions can quickly disseminate contingency planning videos with protocols, action plans, and preparatory training for impending emergencies such as a state or region-wide prediction for an environmental disaster. Institutions can also share standard emergency protocols for internal emergencies for mandatory viewing to prepare them for unfortunate events that require quick response time.
  8. Customer service and ethics training: It is of prime importance that hospital staff receive optimal training to maintain quality customer service and uphold key ethical values in all their interactions with patients. For staff or ethics education, video can prove to be of immense value in providing a highly effective demonstration of commonly recurring healthcare scenarios. These videos show how to tackle the most frantic, and chaotic situations, using the right words or even body language when dealing with a distraught patient, tips on tranquilizing a stressed family, the do's and don'ts of ethical physician-patient interaction, etc.
  9. Patient testimonial videos: According to Pew Research, one-in-four adult internet users say they have read or watched someone else’s experience about health issues in the past 12 months. Therefore, with video, healthcare facilities have an opportunity to simply record customer stories and testimonials of their experience with a certain medical condition and treatment. Such compelling video content can then be disseminated to a wide audience of existing or potential patients via email, social media, websites, blogs and health news portals.
  10. Educating New Doctors: Healthcare organizations can record surgical procedures to use them as training for students or new doctors. However, it's important to take consent from patients before recording such surgeries and also to make sure these videos are managed in a HIPAA-compliant way.

Using VIDIZMO for Video Streaming in Healthcare

Your healthcare organization could greatly benefit from its own secure internal YouTube-like platform, and VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube can help you create that.

And the platform has multiple capabilities to make sure all videos are securely stored and managed as under the HIPAA law. Read more on HIPAA compliant video streaming in VIDIZMO.

A screenshot of VIDIZMO Portal for healthcare video streaming

  • All videos are optimized for streaming, and your audiences can view videos directly through the browser from any device or even in low bandwidth conditions. 
  • To safeguard patient data, you can choose for every video as to who can access them. You yourself, select users or groups, or all logged-in users within the organization, or the public. 
  • As an administrator, you can restrict public access to your video portal such that no user can share videos externally. 
  • All videos can be automatically transcribed in around supported languages. 
  • You can add quizzes, surveys, handouts and timed annotations to videos for improved learning.
  • You can integrate the video portal with multiple other IT systems such as for ingesting recorded meetings from Zoom, or embedding videos in your LMS. You can integrate with your IAM system for improved identity and access management for your videos. Learn more here.
  • You can brand the portal to include your colors, fonts, logo etc. 
  • You can use the same portal to stream both live and on-demand videos.
  • We also offer redaction to redact PII from your confidential videos. 

Learn More About VIDIZMO Healthcare Video Solutions


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Posted by Shahan Zafar

Shahan is the Product Marketing Manager at VIDIZMO - An expert in video streaming, sharing and management platforms. Shahan is actively involved in researching and consolidating information regarding innovative features, customer challenges and emerging trends in this domain. You can email at websales@vidizmo.com for any queries.

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