How Video Training Platforms Help Ensure Effective Compliance Training

Operating within a heavily regulated industry? Explore how compliance video training platforms can help you provide compliance training to your employees.

In today's stringent regulatory landscape, compliance isn't just a box to tick—it's a fundamental obligation. Every industry has its fair share of compliance regulations to uphold. Otherwise, these organizations risk reputational damage, financial penalties, legal repercussions, and more.

This is where compliance training comes into play. Organizations can only ensure their workplace operates as mandated by regulations if their employees are well-versed in compliance requirements. This often means compliance training through manuals, on-the-job training, or through videos on video training platforms.

Of course, the effectiveness of training will depend on the training method you choose for your organization. Traditional training methods, like lectures and manuals, can be limiting. They often rely on a one-size-fits-all approach that might not cater to different learning styles.

However, training videos offer several advantages. They provide a visually engaging and interactive learning experience that can be more effective for knowledge retention. They enable employees to learn at their own pace, rewind and re-watch confusing sections, and access the training materials anytime, anywhere.

In this blog, we'll discuss how organizations can use online video training platforms to host and deliver training videos to their employees and the advantage these platforms offer traditional storage solutions.

What are Video Training Platforms?

Video training platforms are software tools designed to streamline the storage, management, and delivery of video-based training programs to train and educate employees.

A training platform allows organizations to stream and organize their compliance video training content in a centralized space. But they also beyond mere video storage and delivery by providing accessibility, interactivity, detailed analytics, and more.

What is Regulatory Compliance Training?

Every industry is governed by its own set of regulations mandated by the government. These are called regulatory compliances, and they're there for a reason: to make sure businesses follow standard practices, show accountability, maintain transparency, and abide by responsible behavior.

Compliances help protect the interests of both internal and external stakeholders and ensure minimal room for error and disastrous consequences.

In theory, this sounds good, but it's hard to implement if the employees are not aware of the procedures to be followed. That's why compliance training is often legally mandated to ensure everyone in the company comprehends and adheres to the necessary protocols.

Workplace safety training, like OSHA compliance training, for example, equips your employees with the knowledge and skills to identify and avoid hazards, fostering a culture of safety and well-being. With OSHA compliance training, employees can be educated about the best practices for handling hazardous materials, operating machinery safely and using personal protective equipment effectively.

Similarly, data protection regulations will also require safe handling of customer and client data. This involves implementing and following specific data handling practices mandated by regulatory compliances such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and more.

These compliances are especially critical with employees such as contact center agents that regularly handle sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII). By educating their employees on the key principles, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to data protection and build trust with their customers and clients.

Why Use Video-Based Compliance Training?

It's no secret that most people prefer learning with videos. They're simple, they allow self-paced learning, they can be easily accessed on various devices, and most importantly, they're engaging.

Videos provide a dynamic learning experience that combines the power of audio and visuals, making information more memorable and impactful. Today, several organizations understand the importance of videos for employee training and development.

According to Forbes, video-based training allows you to create more personalized learning experiences and ensures that students spend more time on important topics.

Online video training platforms also let you upload prerecorded corporate training videos, conduct live sessions, and make them available as on-demand video content.

This allows employees to learn about various compliances and industry regulations while working and access video training content when they need to.

How Video Training Platforms Help With Compliance Training

For training purposes, organizations need more than simple video hosting solutions. A video training platform offers a comprehensive suite of features specifically designed to address the unique needs of compliance training programs. Here's how:

Helping Manage and Organize Videos

Imagine having to find that one corporate training video in a sea of unorganized files on limited time. It's nothing short of frustrating. But that's what organizations have to face when they have training videos tucked away in emails, scattered drives, or personal devices

The average employee already spends 19% of their work week having to find information. That's lost time and productivity for the employee and missed deadlines and business goals for the organization.

A video training platform prevents this by making video content management a breeze. It allows you to create separate portals for different departments, streamline your video library with clear categories and subcategories, and create curated playlists that combine relevant videos for a structured learning experience.

By prioritizing user-friendly video content management, you empower your employees to find the training they need quickly and efficiently. This translates to higher engagement with compliance training, ultimately leading to a safer and more knowledgeable workforce.

Global Video Delivery

In large organizations with thousands of employees scattered across the globe, training everyone isn't always straightforward. There's several hurdles including language barriers and varying streaming experience due to internet connections 

Besides hosting videos, video training platforms allow you to stream on-demand learning material across the world. These platforms ensure everyone has the same experience regardless of their location, thanks to content delivery networks (CDNs). This allows employees in different time zones to access training at their convenience.

This flexibility ensures your entire global team receives the critical compliance training they need, regardless of their physical location.

Making Training Engaging with Interactivity Features

Employees understand that learning about regulations and compliances is necessary, but you can never convince them it's ever a fun activity. They may see it as something to get over with rather than something to enjoy. But of course, keeping them engaged throughout the training process is necessary for knowledge retention.

This is where a video training platform can come to the rescue by allowing you to add interactive elements to your videos, such as annotations, forms, surveys, and handouts to your videos.

Using this video training software, you can transform your training with interactive elements that keep your employees engaged. For example, you can attach a PDF of a compliance handbook to a video, put annotations to draw attention to specific places in the frame, ask for feedback in surveys, and more.

This goes a step further to help you deliver quality videos delivering quality videos that cater to diverse learning styles and enhance knowledge retention

Progress Monitoring and Completion Tracking

For effective compliance video training, you need processes in place to ensure consistent monitoring of your team's progress.

Luckily, some video training platforms offer robust progress monitoring for a clear picture of how your team is learning.

Using video training software, you can embed quizzes directly within a corporate training video to test knowledge retention at critical moments, gain valuable insights with user-level analytics reports and engagement scores, and identify areas where employees might need additional support.

These platforms also offer comprehensive course completion tracking to help you ensure everyone is watching videos and finishing the training on time, and they offer certificates upon course completion.

Accessibility Features

Offering training to your workforce means making sure all your employees get the same level of training. This is not always possible when some employees have special accessibility needs that prevent them from understanding the training material, either partially or fully.

Luckily, video training platforms offer features like automatic transcription and closed caption that benefit the hearing impaired. They may even offer automatic translation so multilingual audiences can view the same content without having to re-record the training material.

More importantly, these features are necessary for your organization to meet accessibility compliances such as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube — A Complete Video Training Platform 

A screenshot of VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube, one of the leading video training platforms

Looking to ditch traditional learning methods and embrace video as the go-to medium for compliance training? Unsure of where to start? No worries.

Recognized by Gartner as one of the leading enterprise video content management systems, VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube allows organizations to host, manage, stream, and share video content with internal and external audiences.

But it’s much more than that. EnterpriseTube comes packed with features to help you provide compliance training to your employees. These include:

  • On-Demand Video Library: Create different compliance course categories, subcategories, and playlists. Make a separate video training portal for your organization and limit access by users, categories, and more.
  • Security: Secure the entire video training portal with SSO integration, end-to-end encryption, IP restriction, role-based access controls, geo-restriction, and more.
  • Interactivity: Add interactive elements in your videos, including quizzes, handouts, surveys, and forms.
  • Analytics Reporting: Stay informed about your course progress and engagement metrics such as total likes, comments, favorites, embeds, shares, top media, top contributors, and more.
  • Video Conferencing Integrations: Integrate video conferencing apps like Zoom, MS Teams, or more to ingest meeting recordings onto the platform.
  • AI-Powered Transcription and Translation: Automatically transcribe your videos in over 40 languages and translate them into more than 50 languages with closed captioning.
  • Intelligent Platform-Wide and In-Video Search: Search across the platform based on a video's title, meta-description, faces, objects, spoken words, and more.
  • Optimized Viewing Experience on any device: VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube is built to handle large video files and delivers a high-quality viewing experience while combatting network and bandwidth challenges through the help of automatic transcoding, adaptive bitrate streaming, and CDN support.
  • Completion Certificate: Reward your employees with a course completion certificate to appreciate their efforts and encourage others to follow through as well.

 Try it out yourself!

Compliance training is essential for organizations to stay ahead of the compliance curve and ensure that their employees are well-versed in compliance procedures, best practices, and guidelines.

Video training platforms are some of the best ways to ensure that this training reaches every member of the organization in an effective and meaningful way.

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube can transform your compliance training with its suite of interactive features, insightful analytics, and secure video hosting.

Start a 7-day free trial of VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube today, or get in touch with us to discover the power of video-based learning for your organization!


People Also Ask

1. What is regulatory compliance training?

Every industry has rules it must follow, called regulations. Regulatory compliance training teaches employees these rules to protect themselves, the company, and customers.

Examples include data privacy (GDPR), information security (HIPAA), and workplace safety (OSHA).

2. Why is compliance video training important?

Videos are engaging and promote knowledge retention. They help employees understand regulations and reduce risks like privacy breaches and lawsuits. This protects your business reputation and fosters trust with everyone.

3. What is a compliance video training platform?

This software streamlines creating, delivering, and managing video-based compliance training. It's like Netflix for learning company regulations, with features like secure storage and progress tracking.

4. Why offer compliance video training to employees?

People learn better with videos. A video training platform lets you organize and deliver training centrally.

Premium platforms offer features like scalability, accessibility, engagement, and detailed analytics to ensure everyone understands the rules.

5. What are some notable features of top compliance video training platforms?

Some important features to look for in a compliance video training platform include:

  • Easy video content management
  • Global content delivery
  • Interactive features
  • Monitoring and completion tracking (analytics, certificates)


Posted by Rafay Muneer

Rafay is a Senior Product Marketing Strategist at VIDIZMO. He is driven to explore data protection and redaction solutions across various sectors. For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to get in touch at

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