Using Video Training to Address Talent Gap in the Fashion Industry

Explore how video training can be effectively used to address talent shortage and the skill gap in the fashion industry.

To make things clear – the fashion industry is currently on the quest for Fantastic People and Where to Find Them. 

According to a 2023 Oracle publication highlighting the top challenges the fashion retail industry is facing, talent shortage ranks second only after customer distrust. On the surface, it seems that working in the fashion industry is going out of fashion. However, deep down, we’re pretty sure that video training can help address this burning issue.

After all, McKinsey and Company’s The State of Fashion 2023 report reveals that employee training generates up to 3x more ROI than recruiting. Now, imagine the potential when coupled with video based training. Impressive results are bound to happen. That’s for sure!

Whether you are a growing company or a fashion powerhouse, you might already know that providing in-person training to every employee spread across different locations is not a viable solution. Hence, it is safe to say that employee training videos woven into the fabric of the fashion industry save the day – and the talent.

However, before we cover the role of video based training in fashion retail training, let us briefly touch upon video training.

What is Video Training?

Video training refers to the use of video content to train and educate employees. Video-based training is found to be highly effective in imparting standardized knowledge and increasing viewer engagement, thereby producing the desired results.

Video training can be both synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous training uses live-streamed videos, while asynchronous training serves on-demand video content (VOD) to viewers.

Did we mention that VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube offers both live and on-demand video streaming? 

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Since we are now done with a brief overview of what video based training is, it is time to explore the types of employee training videos used in the fashion industry, discussed as follows:

Video Training Types in the Fashion Retail Industry

Since we are now done with a brief overview of what video based training is, it is time to explore the types of employee training videos used in the fashion industry, discussed as follows:

  • Product knowledge training
  • Sales training
  • Fashion marketing training
  • Visual merchandising training
  • Employee onboarding
  • Ongoing training and support
  • Customer support and after-sales training
  • Omnichannel management training
  • Retail safety and security training.

Product Knowledge Training

Product knowledge is of prime importance in the fashion retail industry. After all, it is directly linked with the company’s success since concrete product knowledge translates into more revenue. From gaining knowledge regarding product end-uses to legal regulations such as those put forth by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), product knowledge video training can help deliver them all effectively.

Sales Training

Be it presenting your product to fashion buyers, creating an elevator pitch, or any other sales-related activity, all of this demands extensive training. Video based sales training helps deliver knowledge regarding cross-selling, up-selling, and more in an efficient and engaging way.

Fashion Marketing Training

Be it presenting your product to fashion buyers, creating an elevator pitch, or any other sales-related activity, all of this demands extensive training. Video-based sales training helps deliver knowledge regarding cross-selling, up-selling, and more in an efficient and engaging way.

Visual Merchandising Training

Designing physical and digital space to showcase your brand identity and invoke it in the minds of your target customers is truly a demanding skill in today’s digital era. Thanks to video based training, you can effectively teach presentation guidelines and create engaging tutorials on a brandable video training platform. Show and tell!

Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is significant for setting the stage for new hires in the fashion industry. Briefing new recruits regarding the organizational culture, policies and procedures, job preview, etc., offers them clarity regarding their job role. With employee training videos, you can make the onboarding process seamless.

Ongoing Training and Support

Whether it is video training or in-person training, it is not a one-off job. Instead, you have to ensure that the learning remains a continuous and ongoing process. Be it employees, resellers, or franchisees, keeping them in the loop with ongoing video based training and support is crucial.

Omnichannel Management Training

Customers in the fashion industry look forward to interacting with the brand in such a way that their experience is consistent throughout the customer journey. This can be hard to ensure. Especially, if you are a global brand, you will find it extremely difficult to maintain a coherent customer experience due to regional and cultural differences and expectations. Corporate training videos educating on omnichannel management training can help.

Retail Safety and Security Training

With shoplifting on the rise, it becomes imperative for fashion stores to train their retail staff to prevent loss and theft. Reenactment videos or video explainers can help the staff learn how to act in such situations.

6 Reasons Why Video Training Matters in the Fashion Industry

List of benefits of video training in fashion

If it still hasn’t been clear to you why your fashion company needs a video training platform, we’ve got a list of reasons for you:

  • No language barriers
  • Dissemination of standardized knowledge
  • Real-time tracking of learning progress
  • Increased knowledge retention
  • Self-paced learning
  • Significant cost savings.

No Language Barriers

Wouldn’t it be ironic if your fashion company, which caters to diverse audiences, fails to cater to the needs of its diverse employees? With the world becoming increasingly globalized, it’s important to embrace diversity and inclusivity in your workforce.

While there are many ways to make your diverse workforce feel inclusive, one way to do this is to make your training and learning accessible to all your employees, regardless of their ethnic or cultural background. After all, not addressing language barriers can hinder the desired results of your employee training program.

Thanks to automatic multilingual transcription, translation, and closed captioning (CC), you can ensure that language barriers are addressed through video training.

Dissemination of Standardized Knowledge

One of the major challenges of classroom-based, in-person training is the lack of consistency and standardization in communicating the knowledge to the audience. For instance, one day, you might provide details on a particular topic, while the other day, you only touch the base. This makes employees frustrated.

However, with video based training, this is no longer a problem. With a video training platform, you can rest assured that the training and learning content is standardized and accessible to all in the same manner—nothing more, nothing less.

Tracking the Learning Progress

In in-person training sessions, tracking learning progress is often a non-transparent, delayed process. Personal biases tend to cloud the knowledge provider's judgment and, hence, affect the performance evaluation of the employee in question.

On the other hand, in video training sessions, tracking the progress of employees, like their completion rates for corporate training videos, engagement trends, user-level analytics, and more, is in real time, thereby ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability.

Not only this, but you can also automatically issue course completion certificates to successful candidates who have thoroughly watched employee training videos.

Increased Knowledge Retention

Your mind can only process and retain a couple of things at a time. However, the retention rate for information presented in videos is relatively better. This reason alone raises the bar for video training against in-person learning.

Since more employee knowledge retention means increased effectiveness of the organizational training and learning program, video based training should be the go-to choice for ensuring a healthy corporate training program.

Coupled with interactive elements like in-video quizzes, forms, and handouts, this knowledge retention rate increases even more.

Self-paced Learning

Isn’t it cool when you have complete control and power in your hands? Video based training makes this possible, as it allows your employees to learn at their own pace, thereby encouraging them.  Employees can watch corporate training videos whenever and wherever they want – from the convenience of their home or anywhere else.

Want to know another benefit of self-paced learning? No more absenteeism in in-person training sessions. That’s the power of an employee training video. 

Significant Cost Savings

Ah, yes – the major reason – cost savings. We saved it for later, like the sweet dish eaten after a good meal. Imagine this – you no longer need to procure stationery, arrange costly equipment like screen projectors, and more staff since fewer staff would lead to burnout.

However, with video learning, you no longer have to go through the hassle of managing a lot of things. Executing the training program becomes simpler and cost-effective, and the C-suite does not try to undercut your learning and development (L&D) budget.  It’s great, isn’t it? 

Deliver Video Training in Style with VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube

VIDIZMO's video training platform for fashion industry

Recognized by Gartner, VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube is an enterprise video platform that allows fashion companies to deliver video training to the workforce. With the following capabilities, fashion companies like yours can ensure cost-effective training that yields significant outcomes:

  • Fully brandable platform with the ability to add logo, colors, font, thesaurus, custom URL, and apply custom CSS.
  • Interactivity elements like in-video quizzes, forms, and handouts to evoke a response.
  • A centralized platform compliant with accessibility standards, such as Section 508, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), etc.
  • SCORM-compliant platform for hosting content compatible with learning management systems (LMSs).
  • Granular media analytics to track engagement trends, audience analytics, user-level analytics, etc.

Keen on exploring other features of EnterpriseTube that streamline video training and learning in the fashion industry. Visit our dedicated website to know more.

Or you can experience it in action by signing up for a 7-day free trial. Trust us, you’ll love it.

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People Also Ask

What is a video training platform?

A video training platform allows you to record, upload, host, analyze, and securely share employee training videos. Video based training platforms make training more engaging and interactive.

Where can I upload employee training videos?

You can securely upload and host employee training videos on a centralized, accessible video training platform like VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube, which allows you to interact and engage with your employees, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the overall training program.

What are the benefits of video training?

Video training has many benefits. It addresses language barriers, delivers consistent and standardized knowledge, tracks the learning progress in real time, enhances knowledge retention, allows employees and learners to learn at their own pace, and reduces costs.

What is the goal of corporate training videos in the fashion industry?

The goal of corporate training videos in the fashion industry is to educate employees regarding product knowledge, sales techniques, fashion marketing, visual merchandising, omnichannel management, and retail safety and security as well as onboard new hires. Corporate training videos can be used to reduce employee turnover and bridge the skill gap in the fashion industry.

How to make interactive training videos?

You can make interactive training videos in VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube by inserting in-video quizzes, forms, and handouts to make learning more engaging and effective.

Posted by Rafey Iqbal Rahman

Rafey is a Product Marketing Analyst at VIDIZMO and holds expertise in enterprise video content management, digital evidence management, and redaction technologies. He actively researches tech industries to keep up with the trends. For any queries, feel free to reach out to

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