• By Kanza Ali
  • Last updated: July 26, 2024
  • 4 minute read

Why Host Marketing Webinars with Enterprise Video Platform

Marketing webinars are among the best tools to increase reach, leads, revenue, and awareness. Learn how this medium can be added to your marketing strategy

Welcome to the realm of marketing webinars — where knowledge meets interactions. 73% of sales leads and marketers vouch for this medium’s lead-generation abilities.

This comes as no surprise as the reach of webinars is beyond impressive; targeted audiences can access these virtual events from the comfort of their homes, offices, or anywhere they can find an internet connection.

If you are still trying to decide whether to add webinars to your marketing arsenal, this blog will blow all doubts away. However, if you are stressed for time, skip right to the highlight:

See Why Everyone's Talking About It!

With all that said, are you ready to become the next marketing juggernaut? Let’s get started!

What is a webinar?

The term “webinar” is derived from “web seminar” and is a virtual event that fuses professionalism with friendliness.

It allows you to engage with your audience using screen share to deliver presentations, whether your employee training or a sales pitch. It enables your participants to ask questions, give feedback, and discuss topics in real-time.

Still not convinced? Let’s look at the multitude of benefits digital marketing webinars bring to the table for modern marketers.

What are the benefits of Marketing Webinars?

From better reach to improved retention and a lot more, marketing webinars are guaranteed to do you justice:

1. Reaching a Larger Audience

Every business aims to reach its target audience in the most efficient manner, and one of the most promising ways to do so is via Digital marketing webinars — your reach quadruples, as you are no longer confined to a specific region.

You can add feedback forms, handouts, surveys, real-time chat, and so on to make it a more engaging session.

Moreover, depending on the intent, you can run B2B marketing webinars for specific audiences or host free marketing webinars for the public.

2. Generate Quality Leads

All businesses want to optimize lead generation, and marketing webinars help achieve this.

Let us break it down so that when opting to attend, the spectator has to register by creating credentials or submitting an email.

This lands you with a potential lead as the person’s intentions are apparent as they have shown interest in your session.

Now, the ball is in the sales team’s court, and they can tailor their pitch according to where the lead stands on the sales funnel.

Overall, you get enough data to create an excellent email list filled with people interested in your offerings.

3. Repurpose Webinar

An average webinar lasts 30 to 40 minutes, and many only stay for part. In that case, repurposing your webinar can make all the difference.

After the session, the recorded webinar can be cropped into smaller chunks that can be uploaded on various social media platforms or as a podcast – evergreen content.

For instance, if your sessions are about content marketing webinars and via real-time analytics, you notice the parts where the audience remains engaged and where it bounces.

Based on this information, you can create clippings of the engaging parts, removing all the fluff. These snippets can then be uploaded to social media or on your dedicated CMS, and people can access the factors up their alley without going through the boring bits.

4. Cost Effective Promotions

Marketing webinars can easily be used for educating potential customers about the product, catering to their queries in real-time.

Instead of giving a long-form how-to guide, webinars can visually direct people on how to use the product or avail a service.

5. Low Hosting Costs

Since webinars are online, renting a space, arranging accommodations, handling equipment such as speakers, and managing logistics is unnecessary.

There are negligible fixed costs, and guest speakers can partake from anywhere they please worldwide.

6. Improve the Credibility of the Brand

Thanks to marketing webinars, you can establish yourself as an industry or topical expert by inviting renowned speakers.

Moreover, you gain exposure on the right fronts and boost brand awareness; in turn, your brand name, efforts, and offerings gain the recognition they deserve.

And this increase in coverage translates into promising leads and improved conversion rates.

7. Earn Revenue

While free marketing webinars are a fantastic way to capture your audience, paid webinars are better for earning revenue.

Those interested pay the required fee to access the session and all accompanying resources. This is particularly beneficial for academic and research-related webinars.

Get in Touch for Personalized Assistance!

VIDIZMO's EnterpriseTube — the perfect solution for webinars for marketers

Log into VIDIZMO's EnterpriseTube to host your next marketing webinar and build your ground in the digital world.

Find Out What Makes It Special!

With this nifty software, your reach is not confined — you have the tools and technologies to gain regional and international exposure.

Moreover, our AI-backed enterprise video content management system allows you to record (via content creator), edit, optimize, and publish content and make it available on-demand or live stream.

The best part is that to increase engagement during live virtual sessions, you can use live Q&A, polls, Twitter feed, and live chat.

Whereas, if you make content available on demand, you can add handouts, survey forms, and quizzes. At the end of the day, you get detailed analytics, giving insights on whether the published content met its intent.

With all these dynamic features and several bells and whistles, crafting and delivering stellar webinars for marketers is a walk in the park!

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It – Try It Out For Free

For more information on VIDIZMO’s video streaming platform, contact us today or visit our website for details.


Are Webinars an effective marketing tool?

Yes, webinars are highly effective in educating potential customers and increasing the credibility of your brand. Thanks to them, lead generation betters, and revenue increases.

What is the purpose of webinar marketing?

It is a budget-friendly way of reaching a broad audience. It engages your audience and allows you to answer their queries on the spot.

What is the goal of a business webinar?

A business webinar aims to spread brand awareness, improve customer understanding, and improve conversion rates.

Is webinar a marketing channel?

Yes, webinars are an inexpensive and quick way of marketing to inform and persuade. With their help, engagement skyrockets, and you gain impressive insights to find the best leads and convert them.

What does webinar mean in marketing?

Webinars are online seminars that are used to market products and services as well as educational topics. They let you increase your brand’s reach significantly and augment audience engagement by 90%.

Posted by Kanza Ali

Kanza is an Associate Product Market Research Analyst at VIDIZMO. She's an expert in Enterprise Video Content Management Systems and regularly researches to stay atop all trends. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at websales@vidizmo.com

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