• By Saima Akber
  • Last updated: December 20, 2023
  • 5 minute read

Top 5 Knowledge Management Checklist (And How A Video CMS Helps)

A knowledge management checklist can be used to manage knowledge and improve productivity in an organization.

In the world we live in now, where things change quickly, knowledge management systems will help businesses grow and create long-term competitive advantages.

Law departments, in particular, have found that the traditional techniques of managing human resources and contributing to the success of the company have been unproductive.

As a knowledge-based economy has grown over the last few decades, there has been a rise in the need to manage intangible assets like intellectual property.

Knowledge management has become more critical as knowledge-based businesses have grown in prominence over several decades. In this post, we'll talk about the knowledge management checklist and the most important things.

Why Is Knowledge Management Checklist Important?

Since knowledge management (KM) is a new field with many facets, it is difficult to pin down a single definition. The idea of "knowledge management" is still very new, and so is the definition of "KM."

KM is an emerging discipline and is a multifaceted concept. Therefore, much like ‘knowledge,’ it varies in definition. The definition of KM is, to some extent, a work in progress, much like the field itself. Knowledge is a product of understanding information and data.

Therefore, KM encompasses data management and information management (Nguyen, 2002, p.20).

In a company, you can find explicit and tacit knowledge, but only detailed information can be written down (tacit knowledge is present but not written down).

Learn more about how to preserve institutional knowledge.

Tactic knowledge is often overlooked in favour of codified information in the workplace. A lack of attention to living communication, conversations, brainstormed ideas, etc., means that KM solutions typically represent a vast amount of material storage. Still, no one takes care of the best practices that workers share in real-time.

Learn More About VIDIZMO Knowledge Management System

Here is how a KMS may indirectly enhance profits while decreasing expenses, even if its influence on a company's bottom line is indirect. The most important benefit is reducing the time workers spend searching for and finding helpful information.

Depending on your sector, organizational structure, and team size, the best techniques for knowledge management may differ. The key to a successful knowledge management programme, on the other hand, is creating a culture of information sharing and selecting the appropriate technology.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while making a technical selection:

  • Make it mandatory for everyone to share their expertise.

  • It's both compact and practical.

  • Keep your knowledge and understanding fresh with an established process.

  • It's both compact and functional. It is easily integrated into your current processes.

Read this blog to learn more about Knowledge Management Tools

Knowledge Management's Most Significant Challenges

In today's multifaceted society and the business world, knowledge is essential. In today's corporate world, acquaintances, and information to streamline processes and enhance decision-making are on the rise.

  • Your team's learning is scattered across many locations.

  • There isn't a repository for team knowledge anywhere.

  • Documents that are obsolete and cluttered.

  • You have no idea how your information is used by others.

5 Checklist Items for Effective Knowledge Management

The study's significant results show that several KM procedures may play an essential role in a creative business. On the other hand, knowledge exchange was shown to be the most critical step in the innovation process.

As a result, KM was found to have a role in all innovation. A knowledge management program focuses on these five areas:

  • Identification and Review of Knowledge Sources

  • Evaluate your Knowledge of Management

  • Knowledge Sharing

  • Knowledge Protection

  • Generate New Knowledge

  1. Identification And Review Of Knowledge Sources

    Many people are unfamiliar with the term Knowledge Identification (KI). If you don't know what your internal knowledge is, you won't be able to put it to effective use when you need it. Several issues arise because of not engaging in KI.

    Identifying all your possible sources of company, customer, and competitor (commonly known as the 3 C's) information is critical to knowledge management. Take a look at how this data is saved and utilized.

    The knowledge identification process is a vital part of an efficient Knowledge Management checklist. KI is the process of determining what knowledge an organization has and where it is located. The results of KI serve as a springboard for future Knowledge Management (KM) procedures. Organizations must include KI in their knowledge management strategy since many of its staff are approaching retirement.

    Read more about how the insurance industry is using knowledge management to preserve knowledge in this blog: Why Insurance Knowledge Management Is the Need of Hour

  2. Enquire About Their Credibility

    Knowledge, Process, Product, and Performance (KP3) are the four building pieces of the KP3 approach. There are two types of knowledge: product-related and process-related.

    The value of knowledge assets may be assessed in a variety of ways. There is a difference between global and local techniques for measuring the value of an organization's knowledge, aiming to determine the worth of individual knowledge assets.

    Knowledge is only valid if used. The utility or retrieval ability might make it a valuable knowledge base in one organization and an unimportant one in another. This aspect of knowledge value may be included in our approach—the degree of the amount component and the value of the relevant information increase.

    Nevertheless, it is not apparent if knowledge can be evaluated or not, which is vital for efficient knowledge management. Knowledge measurement is regarded as one of the most challenging aspects of knowledge management.

    For this purpose, VIDIZMO complies with HIPAA. It keeps a platform-wide audit log and one for each user.

  3. Knowledge Sharing

    Knowledge sharing is critical in the workplace because it ensures that all workers have equal access to pertinent information. They don't have to wait for a specific employee to return from vacation or spend an hour searching for the solution to their issue.

    People who have this knowledge readily at hand can use it more successfully and efficiently in their daily work lives. An Enterprise video platform like VIDIZMO can securely store and share your videos while maintaining traceability.

    The value of openly exchanging knowledge allows workers to see how knowledgeable they are in a particular field. It's a great feeling for someone to see that their expertise has helped others, mainly if you give them credit.

    Acknowledgement of one's accomplishments and how one might help colleagues can lead to a sense of purpose and recognition.

    Related Article: Knowledge Management RFP

  4. Knowledge Protection

    Formal regulations, technology, and corporate culture all play a mandate in protecting critical information. Knowledge benefits are prevented, visibility is reduced, and information is safeguarded from being lost.

    People's need to guard their turf is a problem in knowledge management. Some people are afraid that they may lose their employment due to their overzealous sharing of information. Communicate the advantages of understanding what the left hand is doing to the right hand.

    Some individuals may be unwilling to cooperate and provide information because they believe their efforts are being ignored or unappreciated. According to this perspective, if they're the only ones who know something, the company can't run without them.

  5. Generate New Knowledge

    In every knowledge management system, new procedures and tools will generate new knowledge. Further information is also created when team members develop creative solutions to problems.

    Learning from others or taking knowledge from outsiders isn't the only way to generate knowledge, but it's the only way to build it in the workplace.

    Because of this, when current information is discovered, it is critical to promote the dissemination of it. Team members are more likely to share their thoughts and ideas when the sharing tools are simple.

How Does VIDIZMO Work in Knowledge Management Checklist?

VIDIZMO Enterprise Knowledge Management

For sharing purposes, video recording is necessary. Forget about the security worries and get on board as soon as possible with the proper security measures in place. With VIDIZMO, a corporate video platform like YouTube that lets you save and share recorded meetings and webinars, you'll be able to keep and share your Zoom recordings safely and securely.

Even though most meetings are private, there are those that you may wish to make public. Your company's personnel are the group of people who will be able to access the recordings, but the general public is also an option. This means that your recorded Webinar sessions and other recordings can be shared securely.

VIDIZMO's audit logs are comprehensive, allowing you to see exactly who has accessed each meeting recording and what actions have been taken on those recordings. As a result, you'll be able to comply with the most stringent regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with ease.

To learn more about our platform, sign up for a free demo today!

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Posted by Saima Akber

Saima Akber is a technical writer, blogger, and Content Strategist. She works as a Technology Content Strategist at VIDIZMO and has expertise in Digital Evidence Management and Supply Chain Management.

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