Ultimate Guide: All About Asynchronous Video Communication

Asynchronous videos are simply on-demand videos for delayed communication and the opposite of synchronous (live) videos. Learn more in this detailed guide.

Remote work is the norm these days in this new normal. Our days are filled with taking one video call after the other. Zoom boom is certainly no joke.

Online meetings (technically termed as "Synchronous meetings") fill up our days – from the weekly sprint planning to bi-weekly knowledge sharing sessions to regular team-building sessions and even the organization-wide town meeting.

This is absolutely not sustainable in the long term with video call fatigue setting in (better known as "Zoom Fatigue").

Incorporating asynchronous video in our day-to-day communication is the need of the hour.

Undoubtedly, these synchronous meetings were our savior at the onset of the pandemic when they gave everyone an outlet to adjust to the new normal. However, as they say, "too much of anything is bad for you," and video calls are no exception.

They are no better than the repetitive face-to-face meetings that we had to sit through. Actually, they might be more of a time killer as it is much more convenient to start up a video call than to book a conference room.

However, more time in meetings means less time for actual work.

What is Asynchronous Video?

Asynchronous videos are simply on-demand videos or the recording of a live stream (synchronous video). They are used for both one-way communication and two-way communication with a time lag between each response; all the better, as it gives you the flexibility to plan out and respond when you get time. They are especially useful in reducing the number of live training sessions and synchronous meetings.

Asynchronous Training is either a recorded and edited version of a live training session or an entirely on-demand training session. These self-paced online training courses (corporate or educational) are also easily playable anytime, anywhere. Our recommendation is to create a course playlist of bite-sized learning videos which are much more engaging to watch.

There are a variety of video learning platforms to choose from. Here is a list of the top video learning platforms to create Asynchronous training.

Likewise, Asynchronous Meetings are recorded versions of synchronous (real-time) meetings. They can be trimmed to remove unnecessary bits and spliced to bring together relevant parts. Prior to the meeting, you can also share with participants the meeting agenda and all the other important details as an asynchronous video.

However, video conferencing software like Zoom and MS Teams are made to only cater to synchronous meetings. They allow you to record the meetings but are definitely not able to provide secure video management capabilities for your recorded meetings.

New call-to-action

Utilize an enterprise video platform that integrates with video conferencing tools to auto-ingest your recorded meetings. Look for a solution that allows you to transcode videos automatically as well as provides you AI-powered insights and transcriptions that support smart platform-wide and in-video search using spoken words, on-screen text, faces and objects.

Above all else, it must have enterprise-grade security and private video streaming capabilities. VIDIZMO does all of this for you and much more, as described at the end of this article.

Learn More Here: Ultimate Guide to Better Manage your Growing Zoom Cloud Recording

Asynchronous video meetings infographic

Learn More About  Managing Recorded Meetings in VIDIZMO




Synchronous vs Asynchronous Communication

The difference between synchronous communication and asynchronous communication is pretty straightforward. Let us go over their definitions and types:

What is Synchronous Communication?

Synchronous Communication is technically defined as "dialogic communication that proceeds under conditions of simultaneous presence (co-presence) in a shared communicative space, which may be physical or virtual."[i]

In simple terms, it is spontaneous or scheduled live (real-time) interaction between two or more people. These interactions are mostly scheduled beforehand in a formal setting as employees are busy with various projects. Plus, teams are also globally distributed, working in different time zones with many employees working remotely.

Types of Synchronous Communication

  • In-Person Meetings (Face-to-Face)
  • Phone Calls
  • Live Podcasts
  • Virtual Meetings / Video Calls (with Video Conferencing Tools like Zoom, MS Teams, Cisco Webex, etc.)
  • Live Events / Webcasts / Webinars
  • Live Training Sessions (as an in-person call / virtual meeting / live stream)

What is Asynchronous Communication?

Asynchronous Communication is the opposite of Synchronous communication in that it is not real-time communication with no expectation of immediate response. It can be purely one-way delivery of information or can be back-and-forth communication with a time lag (not time-bound).

The best part is that the sender does not need to wait for a response and can continue other work. Plus, the responder can flexibly send a thought-out response when they get time.

Hubert Schölnast, a researcher at the University of applied sciences (Austria), explained it nicely by drawing a scenario,

I write you a letter. I put it in the post office, and it will be sent to you. I the meantime, I do NOT WAIT. I do many different things which you won't be notified about. Then you receive the letter. You read it while I still do many other things. Then you write me an answer and send it to me. In all those things, I am not involved. The next day I get a (synchronous) message (a signal) from the system (postman). It (he) says: "Here is a message for you." 

Types of Asynchronous Communication

  • Letters
  • Emails
  • Text Messages
  • Direct Messaging (via Slack, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.)
  • Asynchronous videos
    • on-demand videos
    • asynchronous recordings of live events
    • asynchronous training
    • asynchronous meetings

Read More: Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous Communication

Benefits of Asynchronous Video Communication

There are no doubt benefits of each type of asynchronous communication. However, Asynchronous Videos are by far the most effective in not only delivering the information but also delivering engagingly and interactively. Here is why:


As they say, "Time is Money" and, once lost, can never be earned back. Meetings are notorious for being a time-killer. Research has shown that busy professionals in the USA attend more than 60 meetings a month (each being approximately 31 to 60 minutes).

Asynchronous meetings drastically reduce the need for most of these redundant meetings. Create video messages to send the meeting agenda. Plus, only the most needed participants may join these sessions. Share a trimmed-down meeting recording with others to watch when they get time.

And if it is something like an onboarding for each new member, why not just record it once and share it each time a new member joins?

Reduces Video Call Fatigue

Asynchronous meetings would mean no pressure to continuously smile at the webcam during the video calls. You can simply watch the 20-minute trimmed-out version of the meeting recording.

Reusable Videos Asset – Save Valuable Time & Money

Create video libraries (public or private based on your requirements) to publish a variety of asynchronous videos catering to different use cases, like:

  • Product demos
  • Corporate Training (Product, Sales, Compliance, and more)
  • Onboarding
  • How-to videos
  • Knowledge Sharing Sessions
  • Company Goals

Inclusive of All Time Zones

In this globalized world, teams exist in different time zones. Pandemic has dispersed them further, with most employees working remotely. It is next to impossible to align meeting schedules.

Asynchronous meetings and videos ensure no member is left out. These videos can be watched anytime, anywhere, under varying bandwidth conditions.

More Engaging than Static Media

Why asynchronous video and not any other mode of communication? These are audio-visual assets with a human touch. If done well, they are bound to make a more resounding impact. Add in-video interactivity like quizzes and polls to further ensure active listening.

There are a variety of other use cases apart from the internal corporate training we hear about. One unusual use case is to create a video consulting platform that gives the clients freedom to access relevant content at their pace. 

Delivers Only the Most Needed Information:

They definitely won't have all the "umms" and the "ahhs" and the awkward pauses that we are now used to in a real-time video call.

An asynchronous meeting can have all these unnecessary bits trimmed out. Asynchronous videos are even more planned out where you can incorporate many other visual elements.

Transparency in Communication Guaranteed

With your communication recorded, there is bound to be more transparency and accountability of all the work accomplished from every meeting held and every video created.


Synchronous Meetings + Asynchronous Recordings = Best of Both Worlds

Synchronous meetings and their asynchronous recordings each have their own benefits. Why not go for both to get the best of both worlds?

Require a Back-and-Forth Discussion? Synchronous Meetings are Your Savior

Need a real-time discussion? Immediate response required? Schedule that synchronous meeting and talk away. In this digital world (especially during the pandemic), it is best to hold a virtual meeting using any video conferencing software.

Be sure to have these meetings recorded for those who couldn't make it or those who can benefit from simply listening to the discussion. And you never know when these recordings might come in handy. These can be reusable video assets – will work as an Asynchronous meeting as well.

Zoom Fatigue Setting In? Asynchronous Video To The Rescue

Zoom Fatigue is another form of collaboration overload, except it is much worse. It requires constant screen time. And you have to look your best as your entire team can see you. Even you have a full-screen view of what your face looks like.

Hence, keeping these video meetings to a minimum is highly recommended. As stated earlier, go for the following two options:

  1. Edit and Publish Meeting Recording
  2. Just An Information Sharing Meeting? Turn It Into A Video!


All-In-One Enterprise Video Platform – Securely Manage The Growing Stock of Async Videos!

In this video-driven era, managing this growing pile of videos without an enterprise video platform is next to impossible.

Most of your asynchronous videos are highly confidential, filled with financial information, trade secrets, and even employees’ personal information. With the growing number of cyber threats, security is of utmost importance. Plus, you would have to privately stream these videos to specific authenticate users and groups.

Platforms like YouTube and public file sharing like Google Drive will definitely not work out – if we can get past the lack of enterprise video content management capabilities.

VIDIZMO fits your needs perfectly. It is a Gartner-recognized YouTube-like enterprise video platform – you may even call it a Corporate YouTube.


See a Live Demo of  What You Can Create Using VIDIZMO

Here you may stream live and on-demand videos. You can record and publish the live stream as is or edit with better visuals and trimmed-out content. These can be a public or private stream as the platform caters to both internal and external audiences.

Plus, you will have end-to-end video content management capabilities at your fingertips. Securely Store. Automatically Transcode. Organize. Search using AI. Share (anonymously or with limits in place). Analyze. Do Much More.

We Offer Much More!  Learn About All Features

As stated earlier, enterprise-grade security is guaranteed with features, including:

  • SSO integration with SCIM support
  • End-to-end encryption
  • DRM support
  • IP, domain and location restriction
  • Role-based access controls
  • Content segregation
  • Limited Sharing with internal or external viewers

Custom brand your YouTube-like video portal(s) to your liking based on your brand guidelines. And to ensure the inclusivity of your global teams, not only is the platform multilingual but you can also have your videos transcribed in over 30 languages with further translation in over 50 languages. Even your multilingual videos with up to 4 spoken languages (out of 22 supported) can be auto-transcribed.

VIDIZMO - End-to-end brandable enterprise video platform to manage your Asynchronous videos

Contact us for a quick product walkthrough or go for a free trial to experience all the features.

Create Your YouTube-like Video Portal Today!  With Our Free Trial


[I] O’Rourke, B. & Stickler, U. (2017). Synchronous communication technologies for language learning: Promise and challenges in research and pedagogy. Language Learning in Higher Education7(1), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1515/cercles-2017-0009

Posted by Sabika Tasneem

Sabika is the Associate Product Marketing Manager at VIDIZMO, an expert in video streaming technologies and solutions. You can email at websales@vidizmo.com for any queries.

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