Seeking Alternatives to Kaltura Video Platform? Enter VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube

Looking for the best alternatives to Kaltura video platform? This piece compares one of the Kaltura competitors (VIDIZMO) with Kaltura.

Video content is attractively engaging and easy to watch. More importantly, videos can convey an incredible amount of information in a digestible format to a larger audience.

From corporate communications to training & learning, organizations increasingly recognize and adapt video for their operations. Since enterprises have started realizing the fact that video content is much more than a source of entertainment, we are seeing video platforms on the rise. Every now and then, we see a company acquiring a video platform vendor or a newcomer coming up with a video solution.

Too many options can cloud your judgment regarding which video platform to choose. It makes choosing the right video content management system more critical.

We’ll make a wild assumption here. Chances are you might be looking for an enterprise video platform or, more specifically, looking for alternatives to Kaltura video platform. Well, let us recommend one to you – VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube. 

This blog compares two online video platforms: Kaltura and one of the Kaltura competitors: VIDIZMO. Don’t get us wrong here. We are not (yet) pitting the two video platforms against one another. Both Kaltura and VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube are the leading enterprise video platforms with a rich business history that serves a range of customers across multiple industries. Customers love both platforms and enjoy a good market reputation, as evidenced by buyer intelligence platforms like G2, TrustRadius, Gartner, Capterra, etc. 

However, since you’ve landed on this blog, you should not end your quest to seek the best alternatives to Kaltura. After all, no matter how popular a video platform is, it doesn’t guarantee that it will meet your specific business requirements. Right?

Before proceeding with the comparison, it would be helpful to understand the two enterprise video platforms in question briefly.

VIDIZMO – Platform Overview

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube is one of the best alternatives to Kaltura video platform. It is an AI-powered enterprise video content management system that allows users to create, host, organize, stream (both live and on-demand), secure, share, and analyze digital media—all from a centralized, accessible platform.

It is flexible and reliable for various verticals and use cases, such as enterprise communications, education, training, video marketing, remote working, virtual events and knowledge management. You can say that VIDIZMO is a complete, robust and reliable video platform dedicated to your organizational functions & needs.

This secure YouTube-like video portal offers much ease in the user interface, security options like no one else, access management, artificial intelligence & fast delivery of video content.

Kaltura – Platform Overview

One of the well-known names in video hosting services is Kaltura. This video platform offers a range of video-related products & services, including OTT video services for media companies, educational video platforms for educational institutions, and Kaltura Management Console (KMC) for ingesting, managing & publishing & distributing media.

Kaltura comes in two structures. The KMC facilitating backend itself is open-source, meaning broadcasters can deploy it to their own servers for nothing. This choice is great for heavy clients. Those with the specialized insight and equipment can deploy Kaltura at the expense of labor. They can also modify the platform themselves. Kaltura also offers a completely facilitated cloud video option for the people who can’t stand to deploy their own solution.

Kaltura mainly targets the media industry & large educational institutions. It’s suitable for users who have technical backgrounds & have specific needs. The Kaltura video platform is not ideal for organizations who are looking for a simple-to-use video content management system with high-security concerns.

Why VIDIZMO is One of the Best Kaltura Alternatives

At a glance, VIDIZMO and Kaltura seem like they offer similar capabilities for storing, managing and sharing video content. Both solutions are popular with enterprises and are recognized by Gartner in their Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management (EVCM).

However, specific crucial differences between the two solutions can affect your organization’s ability to effectively meet your goals, specifically solution completeness and readiness for business users, deployment flexibility, and industry focus.

Comparison of Kaltura and one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

Find Out What Makes It Special!

In this blog, we’ll be focusing more on VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube, an enterprise video content management system (EVCM), as one of the Kaltura competitors.

Kaltura Vs. VIDIZMO - A Detailed Comparison

There are many reasons why VIDIZMO is considered one of the best Kaltura competitors. Here's a detailed comparison:

  • Ease of management
  • User experience
  • Brandable platform
  • Search functionalities
  • Data security
  • Category access rights
  • Media analytics
  • Deployment options

Ease of Management 

Poor data quality causes organizations to burn $13 million in thin air annually. One reason bad data in organizations exists is due to the prevalence of information silos. Hence, the need for a unified enterprise video content and digital media management system arises to easily manage the content. 

Does Kaltura offer ease of management?

As far as ease of management is concerned, Kaltura offers a comprehensive media asset management system, allowing users to upload media on a centralized platform. Users can upload or bulk-upload videos, images, audio recordings, and documents, and can see their media files in a list format and add them to playlists and folders.

Kaltura also offers a “Drop Folder” feature for enabling the automatic ingestion of media files into the Kaltura cloud. Users can drop their files in the folder for it to be automatically available on the Kaltura Platform.

Does VIDIZMO offer ease of management?

Portal screenshot of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.


VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube offers users the ability to upload or bulk-upload all forms of rich media, including videos, audio recordings, images, and documents, on a truly centralized platform. You can also upload Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) content that is compatible with learning management systems (LMS). 

With VIDIZMO, users can create collections of digital assets, placing videos, audio recordings, images, and documents in a separate folder. This way, users can access related content with diverse formats, all from a single place. 

Like Kaltura, VIDIZMO also offers ease of management by allowing users to automatically ingest and sync their files available on their desktop with VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube through the “Watch Folder.” 

User Experience 

With the surge in demand for video streaming and consumption, it is imperative for organizations to opt for a robust enterprise video platform. Hence, a hassle-free user experience matters more than ever for organizations leveraging videos to meet their video demands. 

How is the user experience in Kaltura video platform?

On the surface, Kaltura seems to be a user-friendly video platform with robust features that help organizations achieve their business goals. However, research reveals that users face trouble when using Kaltura to meet their video demands.

Customers belonging to the education industry faced these issues – the prime target market of Kaltura. These customers include UC San Diego, Rutgers University, the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, and the University of Georgia.

The following issues have been reported regarding Kaltura. There might be a possibility of them looking for alternatives to Kaltura video platform:

  • Failed, unsuccessful media uploads
  • Media processing takes forever
  • Slow media uploads
  • Access denied, API, or 500 errors resulting in blank pages
  • Zoom recordings are not automatically transferred to the Kaltura Platform
  • Inconsistencies in in-video quizzes
  • Kaltura Capture freezes
  • Published media does not show up in the gallery. 

How is the user experience in VIDIZMO?

Video being streamed on of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.


VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube provides an intuitive, hassle-free user experience by offering low-latency streaming, faster uploads, and tight integration with video conferencing platforms, collaboration tools, customer analytics platforms, content management systems (CMS), and more. 

“Hit all of our requirements immediately, and gave additional options we were looking for,” said one user on Gartner Peer Insights. Moreover, backed by technology partners such as Microsoft, AWS, Zoom, and Wowza, VIDIZMO ensures that business needs are effectively met with cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technologies at the helm. 

Brandable Platform 

People’s attention spans are getting shorter. For the past five or six years, they have averaged 47 seconds on a screen. As a result, it has become a challenge for organizations worldwide to be at the top of their customers’ minds. This means that organizations should strive harder to reinforce their brand identity

What are the branding options in Kaltura? 

Although Kaltura claims to be a “fully brandable platform,” it falls short of white-labeling and customization features when compared to EnterpriseTube. In Kaltura, users can only customize the media player with pre-made templates or choose to create one.

Users can create or edit player templates with various options to apply custom CSS styles, add a Share button, display captions, enable a full-screen option, and more. 

What are the branding options in VIDIZMO?

Branding settings on of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

VIDIZMO’s branding features are not limited to the media player. In addition to customizing the media player, users can also brand the entire VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube portal

As far as player customization is concerned, VIDIZMO allows users to:

  • Apply custom CSS styles
  • Share media
  • Display closed captions (CC) and transcriptions
  • Enable a full-screen option
  • Allow video in Theatre mode
  • Allow seek forward and backward
  • Show annotations
  • Enable optical character recognition (OCR), among several other things.

Regarding platform customization, VIDZIMO EnterpriseTube allows users to:

  • Add the logo, brand colors, fonts, and thesaurus
  • Display the portal in multiple languages
  • Apply custom CSS
  • Even add a custom URL to remove any traces of VIDIZMO from the entire platform.

Search Functionalities 

According to GISTICS, employees spend an average of 1 out of 10 hours of their time on media management each week. Adding another layer of information, searching files alone takes a full third of that time. This calls for seeking Kaltura competitors that expedite the media search process and reduce search costs.

Does Kaltura offer advanced search functionalities?

No, Kaltura only offers traditional media search functionalities in the form of various search filters. Users can search for files by:

  • Tags
  • Captions
  • Media owner
  • Categories, and more. 

Does VIDIZMO offer advanced search functionalities?

Video playback of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

Yes, VIDIZMO offers advanced search functionalities and makes media searching easier through search filters by tags and custom attributes. This way, you can create your own search filters. Cool, right?

That’s not all. VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube offers AI-powered search by:

  • Spoken words
  • Objects and text appearing in the video
  • AI tags
  • Faceted search, and more.

EnterpriseTube helps organizations drastically reduce their time and search costs by leveraging automatic speech recognition (ASR) and optical character recognition (OCR).

Data Security 

With data breaches on a significant rise, it is imperative for organizations to opt for an enterprise video content and digital media management solution that emphasizes data security, considering the nature of proprietary, sensitive information contained within the organization. 

Does Kaltura offer robust data protection?

No, Kaltura offers only a handful of data security features to its users. With access management features, such as role-based access control (RBAC) and domain and IP restrictions, users can limit unauthorized access to the Kaltura video platform.

Does VIDIZMO offer robust data protection?

Security policy configuration portal of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

Yes, VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube offers robust data protection with a range of data security features. For instance, users can choose from a pre-defined security policy or create their own, thereby limiting access to the CJIS and FIPS-compliant enterprise video platform.

Similarly, unauthorized access to sensitive, proprietary data can be easily prevented with a granular role-based access control (RBAC) mechanism. Other notable security features include domain and IP restrictions, audit logs, single-sign-on (SSO) support, automatic login timeout, multifactor authentication (MFA), and more. 

EnterpriseTube also offers enhanced data privacy and protection by allowing users to opt for a redaction add-on. Users can hide personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive information from videos, audio recordings, images, and both electronic and scanned, handwritten documents. This information includes: 

  • Faces
  • License plates
  • SSNs
  • Phone numbers
  • Financial information and more.

Category Access Rights 

Organizing video content and digital media while maintaining the integrity of information is highly important for enterprises. With the significant increase in data across organizations, it is a no-brainer to understand that the amount of digital clutter also increases exponentially. This is why businesses require alternatives to Kaltura video platform with effective category access rights management.

What are Kaltura's category access rights capabilities?

Although Kaltura offers category access rights management, it is pertinent to note that a particular media can only be added to 32 categories. Other than that, Kaltura does not allow users to brand their categories and set a default category for ease of use.

What are VIDIZMO's category access rights capabilities?

Categories shown on video portal of of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

VIDIZMO’s category access rights management capabilities allow you to create an unlimited number of categories and subcategories. You can also make your categories distinct from one another through branding.

Moreover, VIDIZMO users can mark their category as featured and choose how others can access categories. Finally, users can set a default category, thereby eliminating the hassle of selecting a category every time they upload media on EnterpriseTube.

Media Analytics 

What good is data if you cannot gain actionable insights from it? This is why organizations are seeking Kaltura alternatives to make use of the burgeoning data by extracting insights from the gold mine. Not to mention, videos have proven to be a great revenue driver for organizations across the globe. No wonder organizations are increasingly leveraging them.

Does Kaltura have granular media analytics?

Not really. Kaltura offers media analytics in the form of engagement data, displaying top videos, and visualizing data through a funnel chart. Similarly, it also offers audience analytics, displaying player impressions, number of plays, average completion rate, unique viewers, minutes viewed, and more.

Moreover, Kaltura also delivers insights into top countries, top operating systems, top browsers, top contributors, and more. However, the Kaltura video platform does not offer certain analytics, such as cache hit ratio, player buffer rate, player error rate, etc.

Does VIDIZMO have granular media analytics?

Media analytics on of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

Yes, VIDIZMO’s enterprise video platform offers granular media analytics in the form of engagement data, displaying the number of total views, unique viewers, time played, total completions, top media, top contributors, and more. 

Additionally, users can get insights into top devices, top browsers, and demographics visualized through heatmaps. 

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube also offers insights into the player load time, device buffering, cache hit ratio, drop-off rate, and the quality preference of viewers (such as 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, and so on). This allows organizations to monitor the performance of their content.

The story does not end here. VIDIZMO offers user-level analytics, displaying data for each user. VIDIZMO’s analytics can also be used to monitor users' learning progress, as users automatically receive course completion certificates once they meet the defined criteria.

Deployment Options 

With data security concerns on the rise, organizations are increasingly reconsidering their software deployment decisions. Hence, an enterprise video platform that offers users the flexibility to choose from multiple deployment options will be a strong player in the enterprise video content and digital media management system market. 

Can You flexibly deploy the Kaltura video platform?

Kind of, but the deployment options are limited. When it comes to deployment options, Kaltura offers the choice of either a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or an on-premises deployment. You can also opt for an open-source Community edition of the Kaltura video platform.

Can you flexibly deploy the VIDIZMO video platform?

Deployment options of one of the alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

Yes, VIDIZMO offers greater flexibility to organizations by offering four deployment options: cloud, on-premises, hybrid (cloud + on-premises), and SaaS. This way, organizations do not need to worry about data security concerns.

VIDIZMO offers deployment in any public or private cloud for cloud deployments, be it Microsoft Azure or AWS, among others. It offers the most flexible installation, storage, support, automatic software updates, AI features, and security with the best synchronization with active directory users, groups, forests, and organizational units for on-premise video streaming in the industry.

Why Choose VIDIZMO over Kaltura?

Still looking for Kaltura alternatives? While both VIDIZMO and Kaltura may operate in similar video markets, they have fundamental differences that can mean a lot to a customer.

Kaltura’s video platform requires a great deal of configuration to create essential and custom video solutions. VIDIZMO focuses on providing easy-to-use, business-ready video solutions in an integrated video platform with an easily calculable yet flexible licensing model.

VIDIZMO’s core video platform is a complete solution with single yet flexible pricing and licensing costs that include all necessary video platform capabilities, eliminating the need for expensive feature-by-feature add-on pricing like Kaltura’s.

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube meets customers' expectations when it comes to delivering optimized enterprise video content and digital media management experience. With a host of features, organizations can ensure their business goals are accomplished by leveraging video content and digital media to the fullest, with VIDIZMO taking care of the rest.

VIDIZMO’s enterprise video platform has everything you need to streamline your video content and digital media management workflows, be it:

  • Simplified enterprise video content management through a centralized, 508-compliant platform, thereby ensuring content accessibility to all.
  • An intuitive user experience through an easy-to-use platform with a low learning curve that anyone can master in no time. Moreover, robust technologies like an efficient video content delivery system at the core of the platform help ensure a seamless experience.
  • Branded experience that offers users a unique experience and reinforces brand identity through adding the logo, brand colors, fonts, custom CSS, custom URL, thesaurus, and more.
  • Granular media searching with AI-power search mechanism that allows users to refine their search by tags, metadata, spoken words, objects in the video, and more.
  • Highly secure data and platform with a wide range of security and access management features, such as role-based access control, multifactor authentication, single-sign-on (SSO) support, IP and domain restrictions, custom security policies, automatic login timeout, audit logs, and more.
  • Granular media analytics, offering users deeper insights into engagement data, user-level analytics, audience analytics, top devices, browsers, locations, media progress, media completion rates, and more.
  • Flexible deployment options, such as cloud (both commercial and Government), on-premises, hybrid (cloud + on-premises), and SaaS to deploy the enterprise video platform the way you want. 

If you have any questions about the VIDIZMO video platform or how VIDIZMO takes the top position in Kaltura competitors, you can take a 7-day free trial to explore our platform.

Or you can contact us to see how we can help provide a complete video content management solution for your enterprise.

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Seeking Alternatives to Kaltura Video Platform, But Worried about Data Migration?

VIDIZMO has made it easy for existing Kaltura customers to migrate their content from the Kaltura video platform and ingest it in VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube using the Kaltura App developed by VIDIZMO. The migration process is designed in such a way that the integrity and accessibility of the content remain preserved.

Switching to one of the best alternatives to Kaltura video platform - VIDIZMO.

Figuring out how to ingest content from Kaltura to VIDIZMO wasn’t an easy feat to achieve. To make the content ingestion from Kaltura seamless, we had to gain an in-depth understanding of Kaltura’s deployment. Understanding the Kaltura deployment is crucial since it provides insights into the flow of data. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis is required to make the data migration successful.

Want to know what made us go through all this hassle so you won’t have to worry about the data migration hassle?

Existing Kaltura customers looking for a better video platform alternative are worried about how to migrate their large amounts of video content and digital media to another platform. However, VIDIZMO has cracked the code for the smooth migration and ingestion of content from Kaltura.

To make things clear, VIDIZMO understood the data migration concerns of existing Kaltura customers and came up with the following solution:

Making Advanced Search Possible: VIDIZMO ensures that the media search experience for existing customers feels the same as it did on the Kaltura platform. This is why VIDIZMO devised a solution for defining custom attributes used in Kaltura via the Kaltura app.

The Kaltura app allowed them to define their own custom attributes so ingested content could be stored with the corresponding custom attributes after it was migrated. This way, users can now easily search for the content they are looking for, as they did previously in the Kaltura video platform, since the custom attributes they used on Kaltura’s platform are now available on the VIDIZMO’s enterprise video platform.

Ingesting Content According to the Moderation Status: Kaltura users can define the moderation status of their content, such as Approved, Flagged for review, Rejected, Auto approved, and Pending moderation. To ensure seamless data migration, you need to ingest content from Kaltura to VIDIZMO without losing its moderation status.

VIDIZMO enabled the content ingestion according to the moderation status and mapped the creator’s name on the mashup so that the metadata could be preserved according to user preferences.

For instance, if a media uploaded on Kaltura is marked as Flagged for Review, it will be ingested as pending for moderation.

Retaining the Folder Structure: Migrating content from Kaltura to VIDIZMO without losing the folder structure is possible. VIDIZMO enables you to use the same categories with their hierarchical structure and relationships maintained in the VIDIZMO platform as they did on Kaltura.

Making Content Migration Seamless: VIDIZMO ensures that there is no duplication and loss of content and that each piece of content was transferred accurately from the Kaltura video platform. It also allowed for retaining metadata and even thumbnails.

Ingesting Pre-transcoded Videos: VIDIZMO offers the ability to ingest pre-transcoded videos in Kaltura to VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube. The Kaltura app provides an option during the content ingestion process to choose between preserving the original transcoded files from Kaltura or selecting a new transcoding profile in VIDIZMO.

Did you know? Recently, leading organizations, such as a global law firm with a market presence in America, Europe, and the Far East, have migrated their enterprise data—completely, securely, and accurately—from the Kaltura video platform to VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube.

Learn more about ingesting content from Kaltura to VIDIZMO.

So, what are you waiting for? Switch to one of the best alternatives to Kaltura video platform without worrying about data migration hassles. Get in touch with our team now to understand how we can make content ingestion from Kaltura to VIDIZMO work for you smoothly, accurately, and securely. 

Contact Us

People Also Ask 

How is VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube one of the best alternatives to Kaltura video platform?

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube is one of the best alternatives to Kaltura video platform since it addresses the gaps of Kaltura through streamlined video content and digital media management, AI-powered search capabilities, robust data security, efficient category access rights management, granular media analytics, and other capabilities.

What is an enterprise video platform? 

An enterprise video platform is a dedicated software designed to create, host, manage, secure, analyze, and share video content and digital media. 

What is enterprise video content management? 

Enterprise video content management refers to creating, hosting, managing, securing, analyzing, and sharing video content and digital media, including images, audio recordings, and documents. 

What is the best platform to store videos? 

The best platform to store videos offers greater accessibility, security, and sharing features. VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube offers a centralized platform, high-end data and platform security, and rich sharing features. 

What are media assets? 

Media assets refer to videos, audio recordings, images, and documents stored within organizations, essential for achieving their business goals and boosting revenue. 

What is an example of media assets? 

Examples of media assets are employee training manuals, commercial documents, proprietary customer information, and more. 

Posted by Rafey Iqbal Rahman

Rafey is a Product Marketing Analyst at VIDIZMO and holds expertise in enterprise video content management, digital evidence management, and redaction technologies. He actively researches tech industries to keep up with the trends. For any queries, feel free to reach out to

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