Video Streaming Blog Posts

blog EVCM
  • By Rafey Iqbal Rahman
  • March 29 2024
Top Online Video Platforms with Category Access Rights

Not so surprisingly – around 52% of Internet users watch videos, TV shows, or movies, according to the recent Digital ...

blog security
  • By Shahan Zafar
  • May 10 2022
Video Sharing Platforms | 6 Ways to Share Videos Securely Online

TLDR; You can simply upload your videos on Google Drive or OneDrive and share them. But you won't get a YouTube-like ...

blog Digital rights management
  • By Saadiya Munir & Shahan Zafar
  • April 21 2022
Implement Geo IP Blocking to Restrict Video Content on a Video CMS

You’re all set to watch a video, but then this appears “The content isn’t available in your country.” If this has ever ...

blog security
  • By Sidra Jabeen
  • September 22 2021
Most Recommended GDPR Compliant Evidence Software For Police Forces

Are you concerned about your personal data security? GDPR compliance is the answer to the growing privacy-related ...

blog Digital Evidence Management
  • By Sidra Jabeen
  • September 03 2021
Make Your Video Evidence Court Admissible With Video Evidence Software

Do you want your video evidence to become admissible in court? Being a law enforcement officer, you know the courts ...

blog encryption
  • By Sabika Tasneem
  • July 02 2021
secure live streaming with SSL

"SSL" and "video streaming" are both well-known terms but are seldom talked about together. So, how does SSL comes into ...

blog security
  • By Shahan Zafar
  • March 26 2021
FIPS 140-2 Compliance for End-to-end Security in Video Streaming

FIPS 140-2 is a standard set for security (encryption and other cryptography) of sensitive data in government agencies. ...

blog security
  • By Jay
  • July 21 2020
VIDIZMO for Defense & Intelligence Agencies

Technology and innovation have always been critical for effective defense and intelligence activities. Today, cloud ...

blog security
  • By Zohaib Khan
  • May 22 2020
Share Zoom Recordings Securely with VIDIZMO Enterprise Video Platform

Zoom is all the rage after the pandemic. Though the platform was already making a name for itself before the ...

blog Digital Evidence Management
  • By Jay
  • March 18 2020
Migrate Your Digital Evidence to VIDIZMO

According to a report by Motion Picture Association of America, global sales of video disc formats (which include DVD) ...

blog Deployment Models
  • By Jay
  • March 13 2020
VIDIZMO’s Flexible Solution: Addresses Legal and Compliance Challenges

With the increasing use of cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, data sovereignty issues have ...

blog EVCM
  • By Ramsha Afaq
  • August 09 2019
Achieve Robust Security & Compliance with VIDIZMO Audit Log

In a rapidly evolving world, where security and data privacy are an increasing concern for everyone from the users to ...

blog EVCM
  • By Shahan Zafar
  • November 14 2018
Video Encryption: AES or DRM?

Encryption can make sure your videos are safe and secure when streamed online. This is usually required if you want to ...